1. Install and configure MySQL


  1. Install MySQL:
sudo aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client  
sudo mysql_secure_installation
  1. Start MySQL as root user by: sudo mysql -u root -p, MySQL server status can be check by service mariadb status
  2. Create new user for MyNote database: create user 'name'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'
  3. Set user privileges
-- grant all privilege
GRANT all on *.* to 'username'@'localhost';
-- revoke privilege
REVOKE privilege ON databasename.tablename FROM 'username'@'host';
-- apply
FLUSH privileges;


  • Username and password of the new account is needed for database connection configuration!

2. Implement MyNote On Apache


  1. Install Apache server based on your platform.
  2. Put all project files under web root directory of Apache server. For example .../htdocs/.
  3. Configure Functions/connect_db.php for database connection.
  • Configure storage path for upload files in:
//global variables config
$upload_base='E://A/WorkShop/XAMPP/htdocs/www/MyNote/Storage/';//base path of upload file(such as file/photo)
  • Configure username and password, change $user and $passwd as the new account.
//configure database
$name='system';//database name

3. Implement MyNote on Nginx


  1. Configure database as described in 2.3.
  2. Configure Nginx server. This part please refer to Web Server Building On Raspberrypi (Nginx+MySQL)